If you are bothered by sagging, loose skin on your neck, then a neck lift surgery procedure, may provide a solution. Cosmetic surgeons will perform one or both of these procedures to tighten loose neck muscles and remove excess, sagging skin, restoring a smoother, firmer, and better defined appearance to the neck.

The procedure takes several hours, during which the plastic surgeon makes small incisions around and behind your ears, and a very small one under the chin. The surgeon carefully lifts the muscles of the neck and removes extra skin and fat, then closes the incisions and applies a pressure dressing around your head and underneath the chin.

Time after a neck lift will depend on the individual, as well as the extent of surgery. Typically, patients return to daily activities, including a return to work, within 2 weeks after surgery. Expect your neck to feel tight for a few weeks, and know that bruising and swelling are normal. These effects should subside gradually, with visible bruising typically gone after the first week, and that “tight” feeling remaining for up to several months. The doctor will provide you with detailed instructions for recovery and aftercare.