While losing weight is an exciting event for many patients, it can also create new challenges as the body adjusts to the smaller size. Patients struggling with loose and excess skin may consider a lower body lift to improve their contour and shape.

The procedure is a combination of an abdominoplasty, thigh lift and buttocks lift and may also include liposuction for fat removal. Every patient has unique needs and desired results, so the procedural steps may not be the same for everyone. In addition to superficial stitches in the skin, deep sutures will be placed in the underlying tissues to anchor and support the new shape. The entire surgery may last between three and six hours, depending on the amount of skin targeted for removal and the addition of liposuction, butt augmentation or any other secondary procedure.

Patients will need to spend one to three nights in the hospital before returning home. Most patients resume working in two to four weeks. Exercise and more strenuous activities can be gradually resumed four to six weeks following the procedure.Common side effects include swelling, bruising, numbness, and soreness that last for several weeks. Your plastic surgeon will help you choose the procedure that is right for you.